Flowers 2022

Notice the kumquat got buds setting for flowers. I'll have to pollinate it indoors without bees perhaps. The limequat opposite end of table has had fruit on it since the fall and they've been good in my cherry koolaid (small one pictured, big ones I used) and chicken marinades. the citrus have done well inside

My Poms go inside!

I have them in my cool rooms over winter. They get 53 and that's like the lowest.

I lost SO much last year.. and i protected.. just not quite enough.

Now that I've spoken with Other bonsai growers in the Green Bay/Door County general area... they recommend protecting everything.. like.. sheds.


I didn't get my coldframe finished due to.. life.. stuff.

aaand my trees/plants are in blocks of ice... but that's not so bad.. It's not been below 18 in the coldframe.. so.. shabby.. but not TOO shabby.

Yes sir. I am not as brave as @HorseloverFat , I keep mine inside for the winter. No ill effects after two years.
My poms are inside but they never look good until they go out. They never flower inside for me even though they are in a plant room with professional grow lights.
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