Flowers 2020

My cascade bougainvillea since arriving in 2015...I've allowed to bloom. One year I contemplated it. And ended up not permitting the tree to waist energy since it was looking 2 D in person and needed more refinement. Well, I'm much happier with its overall have flowers forming. And I'm so enjoying it. That the pink is considered bracts...and the flowers are the tiny white flowers...always makes me pause. For the color draws you in.
bougainvillea bloom 2020.jpg
American beautyberry cuttings decided it was time to flower, fruit are much prettier than the flowers but theyre nice too... lmk if you want one.


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A picture of it fruiting? Yes please!
Cuttings, I have a couple left. Don't have pictures of them with fruit but heres a bonsai, not mine, that shows the fruit- this is also likely not American beautyberry, but the Japanese one.

To stay on topic heres another hibiscus, not all have been striped but they still have more color than previous years


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I wish I could help but plant health regulations almost certainly prohibit movement of plants from Britain to USA!
Haha shouldn't have assumed you were in the US!! Didn't even think to check.

Chaste flowers, cut back the one jn the grow bed yesterday

Encantante orchid (roomates stole this one, no longer have it) with candid cat bonus


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Same one I have in a pot! Take cuttings or layers, they make decent bonsai
I was wondering! Maybe I’ll try an air layer, I actually have 3 in my yard all over 10 feet tall.
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