Another called Anne Marie, or Candy Stripe, I have seen both. This year it gave me an "eye catcher" - three bright red flowers close to the top, the first time it has done that. It has thrown a few random solid white before, but never red. Not much of a trunk, I just grow it for the flowers.
This one is fixing to bloom, I have been waiting to see what color flowers are on it for a while, finally getting some. It is an unknown indica azalea, a little leggy now, but I had to let it get shaggy to get some flowers. This one is also interesting as it loses all of its leaves except for the ones right around the ends of the branches each winter.
Not really what you think about when it comes to spring flowers, but I find maple flowers interesting. This is a japanese maple caleed ryusen, it has a natural weeping growth habit, and is blooming up a storm right now.
Another of my trees that woke up early because of the blast of abnormally warm weather, this one a Japanese flowering quince. My star magnolia is about to do likewise.