Fisher's Elms

After some consideration I decided to split up my penjing thing. It just took up more space than I thought it was worth. So I decided to develop this Chinese Elm on its own.

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Lastly is my winged elm that was yanked out of my flower bed as a little seedling volunteer. Here it is in 2016.

And in 2017
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I don't think I took a pic in 2018 but it remained in the basket and was allowed to grow free. Here it is today. It has a ways to go still but it's on a path to future glory. Haha.
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And I potted up these 3 hokkaido elms on their own too. Plan is to see which one turns out to be the best and part with the other 2. Which would you keep?
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Unless you are a big fan of a nice classic looking twin trunk (the left hand one) - for me personally I would take the right hand one in a heartbeat - to me it has the most interest with some nice bends and movement.
Here is a short progression of a winged elm I bought a couple years ago. It had a bad base and I wasn't happy with the branch structure either.

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Last year I decided to ground layer it to fix the base. I let it mostly grow wild to help grow roots.

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The layer was successful and I separated it this spring. I had roots mostly all around and I spread them out in the new pot and chopped the trunk to about 3 inches or so. I neglected to take pics unfortunately.

I thought I had killed it but it finally budded out all around the chop site. Here it is today growing strong. My plan is a shohin broom.

2019-05-29 18.13.37.jpg
Nice work on all the trees. Mighty fine! I’m only at the trunk and bud stage on my American Elms.....and learning more from your posts. Keep the information flowing.
This winged elm is growing pretty well now. I've been battling some sort of fungus/black spot on this tree that is making the leaves turn kinda black and mushy. I sprayed it with copper 4 or 5 times about 5 days apart and just hit it with the bonide granules. I think it may be gone.

2019-06-02 12.09.18.jpg
Update on my cutting grown water elm forest. This species absolutely loves July and August here in VA. It explodes during the heat of the summer. The trees are all 3 years old. I took the cuttings in 2016 and planted them together in July 2017. They've come a good ways in 2 years, but still a long ways to go. I was digging around the bases of the trees and some surface roots are starting to develop, so in time, I can reduce the soil mound. I'll give this a full wiring this winter.

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2019-08-05 19.35.26.jpg
And I potted up these 3 hokkaido elms on their own too. Plan is to see which one turns out to be the best and part with the other 2. Which would you keep?
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I like the one on the far right. Short lengths between branching and good movement in each branch. Looks very “tree like”
The American Elm is having a good year too. I like this pot but it's too deep for the tree in my opinion. One of these days I'll find the right pot for this tree I guess.

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Picked up a cedar elm from Zach a couple months ago. I have some plans for this one next spring regarding a pot and a slightly different planting angle. This one has more wings than my winged elm...

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