First styling on bargain podocarpus


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Oxford, UK
Okay, I bought a couple of half dead podocarpus ‘flame’ yesterday for 2 quid each as designated death by a thousand cuts. Here are the results of hacking and first ever wiring :) This thread is mainly for personal progress, but feel free to comment or offer advice/request for kindling. Please excuse the dodgy indoor photos under bad light.

Number 1. I am happier with this one, even though the nebari is better on the second. I had a little feel at the base of this one and there looks to be some half decent root flare but i’ll see when I repot next year.

Number 2. This one is a little clumsy, mainly because of the lack of taper, but if they survive we’ll see what I can develop in the future
Woo means expendable?
You dun killed em!

Do these have to stay indoors by you?

Yea, I'm thinking your going to hear alot of folage replies. Whether it was too much or not I'll leave to someone who knows the species better. But did you have a plan in mind?
Woo means expendable?
You dun killed em!

Do these have to stay indoors by you?

Ha! I was going for the minimalist look..
Na, they’ll live outside with the other torture victims. I got a boat wheelhouse that acts like a green house which they’ll be put in when it gets too chilly out.
Yea, I'm thinking your going to hear alot of folage replies. Whether it was too much or not I'll leave to someone who knows the species better. But did you have a plan in mind?
Yea not my intention on the outset but there was nothing on the interior. They’d be been struggling at the garden centre and had only really recovered this past year I’d say, so probably the best thing to do would have been to let them strengthen up. They back bud readily if pruned heavily, apparently, and I have read that September/October is the best time in the UK to promote better spring growth. I only bought them for practice really though so if they make it or not then it’s not the end of the world.
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