Thanks for all the tips! Posting an update here for documentation's sake. I decided to move the bench, taking it from 2 hours of direct sunlight to closer to 3-5 (need to time it more precisely to know for sure). It's only been a little over a week and the plants are already responding amazingly. I may even gradually move it further left which should add a bit more sunlight. I got a temporary shade cloth to try and avoid them getting scorched from the sudden change, but we had a bout of overcast weather which seems to have helped ease them into it. Also, if the boxwood and sequoias don't take well to all the extra sun, I can rig up a vertical shade cloth in the center of the bench to filter out some of the late afternoon sun for them.
I've also just ordered a new watering can with a bit of a softer spout and a higher capacity so I can do it in one trip. @Bonsai Forest , your picture makes me want to urge my wife to start doing rain collecting. She got into composting this year and was going to set up a water system, hoping all her hobbies are synergistic with mine haha.
I've also just ordered a new watering can with a bit of a softer spout and a higher capacity so I can do it in one trip. @Bonsai Forest , your picture makes me want to urge my wife to start doing rain collecting. She got into composting this year and was going to set up a water system, hoping all her hobbies are synergistic with mine haha.