First Bald Cypress Sep 2017

i definitely plan to add more deadwood after i get it growing strong. Like mellowmullet said above. I am not going to touch till this winter. Then next year, i can start working on starting the deadwood. My plan for it is like the flattop on one of my earlier postings under this thread.
That looks awesome! I didn't have much interest in Bald Cypress until I joined this forum. Holy cow those things are incredible.
Thank you. A long long way from being a bonsai. Probable many yrs.
This one is still hanging in there and coming along quote nice. will get repotted in spring. working on a natural design i found on internet.

I chopped the leader i have been developing since i got the tree this year. i was worried that if i let go the rest of the year, it would have to be taller than i wanted. still shooting for flat top design.




i definitely have some future carving plans at some point but for now, just watching and seeing what nature is pushing me towards. I dont expect anything to spectacular but its fun to watch. I also have some knees coming up. you can barely see one of them on bottom left photo. there is another one close to the trunk also.
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