Finicky Ficus


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W Central Indiana
Ugh...I knew it..after a couple weeks of adjusting the ph to 6 from 8± and adding silica medium strength in hopes to encourage better growth on this ficus it seems to have the opposite effect. It's under t5 lights 12 hrs/day.


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I agree with @penumbra. Also, you should take a close look for insects like spider mites or black scale. At the same time, I suggest you up the PH of your water from 6.0 to 6.5. That seems pretty low to me. Test it with a properly calibrated instrument, too. If you are using strips they can be pretty far off.
Thanks...I appreciate you talking me off the ledge. I've had it for just over 1 year now and still learning what it wants from me. Gonna drop the silica and will recalibrate tester and notch up the ph.and monitor change...and take a magnified look for pests. You guys Rock.... thanks for the tips.
Before you get too alarmed, many of my ficus have been losing inner leaves that past few weeks. It is a rest time for them unless you want to crank up the heat and lighting.
Yes, ficus are notorious for doing this during winter unless the lightning is strong and they don't get anything below 60 degrees. With that said, my ficus are pushing new growth right now... no yellow leaves to report at this time other than one or two on a few branches.

@Kodama I wouldn't worry too much about the water you are giving your ficus, unless it is bad hard water. Supplement with humic/fulvic : kelp at the 5:2 ratio and you will get the best growth out of it. I add it every time I fertilize (liquid with MiracleGrow). I will be starting a once a week foliar spray as soon as the trees go back outside.
Supplement with humic/fulvic : kelp at the 5:2 ratio and you will get the best growth out of it. I add it every time I fertilize (liquid with MiracleGrow). I will be starting a once a week foliar spray as soon as the trees go back outside.
Thanks for this suggestion. Do you have any brand recommendations? I see something called Liquid Seaweed with Humic/Fulvic added.
Thanks for this suggestion. Do you have any brand recommendations? I see something called Liquid Seaweed with Humic/Fulvic added.

@Maiden69 it would also be nice to hear about how you get those ratios? Are you using a liquid humic/fulvic and measuring out 5:2 strictly by volume? E.g., 5tsp h/f liquid to 2tsp kelp liquid. This is where brand could be important because different brands dilute at different concentrations. Thanks!
Do you have any brand recommendations?
@luvinthemountains If you guys follow @cmeg1 threads, he advocates towards RAW NPK supplements. That is what I use. The ratio is corelated to the dosing recommended as well. 1/8tsp kelp : 1/8tsp fulvic + 1/8tsp humic ( or 1/4tsp of either one) per gallon (or 1/2 that dose per gallon for a "weaker" dosage.

@luvinthemountains If you guys follow @cmeg1 threads, he advocates towards RAW NPK supplements. That is what I use. The ratio is corelated to the dosing recommended as well. 1/8tsp kelp : 1/8tsp fulvic + 1/8tsp humic ( or 1/4tsp of either one) per gallon (or 1/2 that dose per gallon for a "weaker" dosage.

Great - thanks for that. I have been keeping an eye on NPK's GROW fert blend to see when prices come down out of the stratosphere on Amazon. I missed out last year when the 10-pounder was under $100. I like the simplicity of that blend because it covers most of the bases.
@luvinthemountains If you guys follow @cmeg1 threads, he advocates towards RAW NPK supplements. That is what I use. The ratio is corelated to the dosing recommended as well. 1/8tsp kelp : 1/8tsp fulvic + 1/8tsp humic ( or 1/4tsp of either one) per gallon (or 1/2 that dose per gallon for a "weaker" dosage.

Dont forget the 5:2 ratio is touted to work 50%%%% BETTER!!!
1/8tsp fulvic or humic or both—- 1/16 tsp kelp
Dont forget the 5:2 ratio is touted to work 50%%%% BETTER!!!
1/8tsp fulvic or humic or both—- 1/16 tsp kelp
Same same no? 1/8:1/16 equals 1/4:1/8 or does the ratio is against parts of water? From the reading I did I thought it was just the ratio of the acids to kelp.

I have been using 1/4:1/8 and my trees are exploding, I can't even think that lowering the dose to 1/2 (at equal parts) will have a greater benefit. If I can get the same benefit from 1/2 the dosage better... save some money for more pots. LOL

I think that for foliar the 1/4:1/8 may be too strong, so 1/2 that would work better. I am using it as a root drench right now.
The guy from Herons has a bunch of old ficus trees and the beginning of this video talks about over wintering.

Personally, I have some figs that will go down to a single leaf by February but then go crazy once the spring hits. They just need lots of light.
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