Finding Soil (Pumice / Lava) in Chicago area after relocating


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Fremont, CA
I recently moved to the suburbs of Chicago and can't find a source for pumice or lava. I lived in Northern California previously and could easily find both of these at nurseries or landscape suppliers in 1/8" grain size. I'd much prefer to find something locally than get it shipped here, but I'll order online if I have to. Anyone have a good source? I'm willing to drive.

I welcome any other comments about the bonsai culture in Chicagoland area as well! I'm finally getting settled into our new house and getting ramped up again with bonsai. Currently I have some Cork Bark Portulacaria, Coast Redwoods, and Bald Cypress. I have plans for getting into Dawn Redwoods as well.

This doesn't inspire confidence about how strong the bonsai community is in Chicago haha. Hopefully someone from this area discovers this post.
I know this is not Local but it is a good source, I have purchased from them a couple times, just got 20#s each of 16ths and eights.
At least mine was shipped from Logan, UT.
It's a lot closer to you than me..
No waste so far unlike others from a bonsai supply store that was suppose to be 1/4 but ended up 3/8 to 1/2 and out of 20 quarts ended up with about a quart of 1/4.
Last year I got the sixteenths and more than half was 1/8 and the rest 1/16 which is great for Shohin and plants that like more moisture (no waste for me)
The Pumice Store
Another online supplier, has been often mentioned here.
Shipping back east is crazy high, more than doubling the cost. Used to have a small flower shop not far way that must have ordered a few pallets and sold it cheap. Unfortunately they closed down last year. Doubt I'll get any more unless I drive to Colorado on vacation and stop at BuildASoil. Picked up lava rock out west a few years ago for so cheap I felt guilty buying it. Regret not finding some pumice at the same time.
I’m a neighbor a bit north of you(Milwaukee) and just recently purchased both aggregate via Shipping is free and I like that it’s pre-sifted(I sift it again to sort for particle size). Chicago does have an active Bonsai society and the gardens there has a very active curator as well. The go-to place for trees(and they hold classes) is Hidden Gardens. You’re always welcomed to come up a bit north to Milwaukee too!
I've bought it online from Home Depot and had it shipped. Product was good and reasonable

Welcome to the Chicago area. The only local place I know to pick up pumice is Hidden Gardens in Willowbrook. They are a southwest suburb, the nursery is along a frontage road, a little "Hidden" but not hard to find with Google maps.

Hidden Gardens is the only retailer that you can get Akadama off the shelf. Ask about Kanuma.

I buy charcoal and fir bark from Orchids by Hausermann in Elmhurst.
They used to carry New Zealand or Chilean sphagnum by the bale too, big 40 pound bales. Not sure if they still do. Also coconut husk chips and coir if either product is of use to you.

Thanks everyone for the recommendations! I ordered from The Pumice Store and to see how they are. I'll post back here on what I think of the quality.

@leo in NE Illinois, I'll check out Hidden Gardens in Willowbrook. Much appreciated!
It looks like we're pretty close geographically. I'm in Barrington. Do you often sell trees? I'd love to make a trip out to see yours if you're up for it.
I recently moved to the suburbs of Chicago and can't find a source for pumice or lava. I lived in Northern California previously and could easily find both of these at nurseries or landscape suppliers in 1/8" grain size. I'd much prefer to find something locally than get it shipped here, but I'll order online if I have to. Anyone have a good source? I'm willing to drive.

I welcome any other comments about the bonsai culture in Chicagoland area as well! I'm finally getting settled into our new house and getting ramped up again with bonsai. Currently I have some Cork Bark Portulacaria, Coast Redwoods, and Bald Cypress. I have plans for getting into Dawn Redwoods as well.


There are several nurseries and hydroponic stores throughout Chicago that sell pumice and lava.

Also the above Hidden Garden in Willowbrook has akadama, pumice, and lava by the ton or in large bags. Also have well over 500+ yamadori for sale collected by Randy Knight.
Thanks everyone for the recommendations! I ordered from The Pumice Store and to see how they are. I'll post back here on what I think of the quality.

@leo in NE Illinois, I'll check out Hidden Gardens in Willowbrook. Much appreciated!
It looks like we're pretty close geographically. I'm in Barrington. Do you often sell trees? I'd love to make a trip out to see yours if you're up for it.

Unfortunately I do not do any propagating or selling of trees. I have trouble enough keeping my small collection going. But thanks for the vote of confidence. Maybe we'll meet at a Midwest Bonsai Society meeting, or see each other at one of the shows. Or run into each other at Hidden Gardens.
Unfortunately I do not do any propagating or selling of trees. I have trouble enough keeping my small collection going. But thanks for the vote of confidence. Maybe we'll meet at a Midwest Bonsai Society meeting, or see each other at one of the shows. Or run into each other at Hidden Gardens.
Sounds good! I took the trip down to Hidden Gardens and loved it. Chatted with Mark quite a bit and grabbed some pumice. Hope to see you at a meeting!
There are several nurseries and hydroponic stores throughout Chicago that sell pumice and lava.

Also the above Hidden Garden in Willowbrook has akadama, pumice, and lava by the ton or in large bags. Also have well over 500+ yamadori for sale collected by Randy Knight.

Thanks, I'll check out some hydroponic stores to see what they have. After you guys recommended hidden garden I made the trip down there and liked it a lot. What a nice shop to have locally!
Thanks, I'll check out some hydroponic stores to see what they have. After you guys recommended hidden garden I made the trip down there and liked it a lot. What a nice shop to have locally!
It's a wonderful place. See you there at Saturday bonsai or maybe a workshop with Mauro or Todd.
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