Fidur's myrtle communis

Looking HEALTHY!!

I LOVE the cow!

My eyes.. as due the rule of odds, when it comes to "beauty"/sublime visual focus.. keep scanning for one more... point.. to "grip on to"

Personally.. I'd like to see a smaller implement.. Slightly behind the cow... but half as "stage-tall"..

In THIS area!View attachment 421479
I'm sorry, this is not a cow!!!!
It's a bull, and to me this tree is named "el toro" 😆
I think you maybe right about implementing something to fill that area. It comes from the initial wrong pot choice.....
I'm sorry, this is not a cow!!!!
It's a bull, and to me this tree is named "el toro" 😆
I think you maybe right about implementing something to fill that area. It comes from the initial wrong pot choice.....
I have raised cattle for many years... (Not THESE days, of course)

Eventually... they're ALL "cows". 🤓🤪

Although SOMETIMES we'd refer to the Bulls as "those bastards!"...

(This of course, was "cow"-dependent!) HAHAHA!!

Where's @Wires_Guy_wires ? 😂😂😂
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Update: I think today I made some bad movements. Now, It's too leggy. I will have to find any design solution.....or let the time show me how to correct it....I`m feeling a bit sad about this tree.

IMG_20220423_195053.jpg IMG_20220423_194828.jpg IMG_20220423_195037.jpg
Update: I think today I made some bad movements. Now, It's too leggy. I will have to find any design solution.....or let the time show me how to correct it....I`m feeling a bit sad about this tree.
In my experience Common Myrtle backbuds really well. If you really don't like the shape, you could chop everything off and start over it you wanted. If it were mine, I would encourage a slightly windswept motion in the branches to give it some more interest, like a tree on a grassy knoll. Legginess might work to your advantage with such a design.
Update: "El toro" is starting to flower.....still lots of work ahead

View attachment 447562
Love it!

My eyes either need "one more point", because I'm registering two "trees", split at the Y. I could see a little well... or like a PUMP well.


Chase the foliage a little lower on the furthest RIGHT "Portion"... Keep the "Style" of tree you are emulating... Just get your triangle in there....

BARELY triangle... STILL visually registers as triangle.

I really wanna know where you got the moo cow, he’s so cute.
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