Fidur's myrtle communis

A thread to follow my myrtle progression. Thoughts and comments welcome.

Bought it 3 months ago (12€). Repoted inmediatly and Styled (my way, likely bad choices) today.
I like the twin trunk look for myrtle! Looks like it's putting on some new growth so maybe a good sign...
I like what you did with this tree, removing a few branches the tree looks like it has gained many years.

The bull makes the whole pleasant , it creates a kind of hispanic atmosphere .
Maybe , in a shallower pot when it will be possible the result will be even better in my opinion.
I like what you did with this tree, removing a few branches the tree looks like it has gained many years.

The bull makes the whole pleasant , it creates a kind of hispanic atmosphere .
Maybe , in a shallower pot when it will be possible the result will be even better in my opinion.
I agree about the shallower pot, but...I have come to think that the bigger pots will allow bigger repoting lapses (it's 80% akadama, 20% lava) ("Bonsai Heresy" - Michael Hagedorn), and for sure better development media for the tree.
Thanks for your comment!
Good work. Great branching, although in places you may still need to reduce from 3-4 branches in a single spot down to 2. It is definitely overpotted, but it works for now. I would look to gradually move it into a smaller pot, and lower the soil level in the future.
Just a little update. I finished works on it, and the tree is healthy and growing strong.

DSC_8286 (2).jpg
Photos here: CLICK
I've learnt that this tree is a myrtus communis "tarentina", a dwarf subvariety ( in some entry , someone called it "compact").

This is a very good tree for bonsai. Very little leaves, fast growing, easy back buding, flowers, berries,...
So if anyone can get one of these, I can assure lots of fun.
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Neat Tree!!!

I HAD some thoughts as I viewed the VERY first picture... but the next several shots alleviated my concerns.

My only OTHER thought..

That one branch you have wired that visually pleasing angle/bend into... I LOVE IT... in entirely works for this tree...

Just don’t forget about it! :) The next time you are wiring branches... look at THAT one..... try to mimic it/mirror it in the other branches, at least somewhat, to convey that the entire tree existed/survived in the same location, subject to the same conditions.

Basically, KEEP it goin’!

My only OTHER thought..

That one branch you have wired that visually pleasing angle/bend into... I LOVE IT... in entirely works for this tree...

Just don’t forget about it! :) The next time you are wiring branches... look at THAT one..... try to mimic it/mirror it in the other branches, at least somewhat, to convey that the entire tree existed/survived in the same location, subject to the same conditions.

Basically, KEEP it goin’!

I also love the bends I got here. It was really difficult (to me) to begin the prunning and styling, as there were lots of different choices, but I said to my self "be bold" (something I have usually to say as I'm prunning, wiring, etc).
Thanks a lot, to feel reassured in my design is wonderful!
I also love the bends I got here. It was really difficult (to me) to begin the prunning and styling, as there were lots of different choices, but I said to my self "be bold" (something I have usually to say as I'm prunning, wiring, etc).
Thanks a lot, to feel reassured in my design is wonderful!
Yes! It looks like your EYES know JUST what to do... the rest, will come with experience.

Off to a good start. I agree with the lover of fat horses that a bit of wiring will help.
Caution, be on the outlook for mealy bogs. I almost lost 2 of them and now they get treated whether the want it or not.
Off to a good start. I agree with the lover of fat horses that a bit of wiring will help.
Caution, be on the outlook for mealy bogs. I almost lost 2 of them and now they get treated whether the want it or not.
Thanks for the tip. I inspect all my trees almost daily searching for bugs and deseases. I usually find a lonely one (the first of the invassion), and till now I only had some light problems with a juniper I had to spray.
Thanks for the tip. I inspect all my trees almost daily searching for bugs and deseases. I usually find a lonely one (the first of the invassion), and till now I only had some light problems with a juniper I had to spray.
I bet bugs and fungus LOVE your climate!

the lover of fat horses

Loud, guttural laughter ensued after reading this!

Thanks for the tip. I inspect all my trees almost daily searching for bugs and deseases. I usually find a lonely one (the first of the invassion), and till now I only had some light problems with a juniper I had to spray.
That is fabulous. I try but can't keep up. You are doing it right and that is most commendable my friend.
That is fabulous. I try but can't keep up. You are doing it right and that is most commendable my friend.
On a side note, I have to deal with all kind of bugs and pests in my garden. There I am sometimes the winner, sometimes not. Right now, rust and oidium are my enemies. All my roses affected, but at least I can stop them a little bit.
On a side note, I have to deal with all kind of bugs and pests in my garden. There I am sometimes the winner, sometimes not. Right now, rust and oidium are my enemies. All my roses affected, but at least I can stop them a little bit.
Its never ending for sure but at least you have your eyes on the situation.
A lovely little tree. I'll be watching this one progress with interest. I like common myrtle for bonsai, but my luck with them has been poor. One missed day of watering in summer was all it took to cook my small ones dead. I have one big one left in a nursery pot. Hopefully my skills will improve enough before I reduce its roots to keep it alive.
Looking HEALTHY!!

I LOVE the cow!

My eyes.. as due the rule of odds, when it comes to "beauty"/sublime visual focus.. keep scanning for one more... point.. to "grip on to"

Personally.. I'd like to see a smaller implement.. Slightly behind the cow... but half as "stage-tall"..

In THIS area!3EEC4628-0498-40BA-BB95-483FD62DA06F.jpeg
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