If only I could have FL weather hereI'm normally not a fan of ficuses but I love, love, love your tree.

Thank you! Cheers
If only I could have FL weather hereI'm normally not a fan of ficuses but I love, love, love your tree.
Nope, to be honest I've never experienced such a thing. Although I've heard that some people leave a leaf on each branch while defoliating. I think that the tree must be in a superb condition and in an active growth phase before doing what I've done. This time I had plenty of new growth on each branch after a few days.I am surprised by your success with complete defoliation and trunk chop. I had learned from others and experienced myself dieback or complete failure with benjamina if a growing leaf isn't left on each branch. Have you "heard" about this? Maybe it isn't an issue with this cultivar?