I can not get pics to upload to work in progress,all mine are.but
Before the recent update there was a "Today's Posts" link also, which I no longer see. I used that link every time I visited the site......did it move or die?
Before the recent update there was a link that allowed one to view all bnut members, search for members by name, etc. I think it was under "community". I wanted to look up a member today and can't find a way to do that anymore. Is that ability gone, or moved? Am I just missing something obvious (again)?
I'm no longer receiving notifications of posts to threads I'm subscribed to.
Check to see if you have a spam filter. We have had trouble with NBut emails being screened as spam.
The notification "check-box" on the subscription list keeps reverting back to being unselected.
The notification check box status is stored in your cookies. If you are having trouble with the check box, it has to be with data stored on your computer.
Log out of the site, and then close your browser window. If possible, and you know how, delete your Internet cache. (A good free program to do this is CCleaner - which is probably a good program to have installed regardless). Then reopen your browser, go to BonsaiNut, and re-login.
Let me know if you continue to have the problem after re-logging.