Feedback on my first video

I think the cold has got you Jelle.
Good first video, and I agree that both the 'talk' and the movement could be more relaxed and laid back.
Not that it feels rushed or anything, but 25% slower on everything would probably work very well.
Thank you for all the feedback. I have gone back to the camera and spent the last week putting together some more work. I have tried to link the youtube channel to my website, and hope the synchronized release will work. Friday, UTC+2 17:30 my webserver & youtube should dance together and release a page & a video.
This is a whole new world & new skillset. Lets see how this works..
Nice voice, I agree with the others in that it could be landscape and pan a little slower but I like it and those lovely frost covered trees ❤️
Congrats, Jelle.
I could offer some suggestions, as I do educational videos for a living.
If you invest in a good external mic, recording after the video is edited, quality will improve and you can go back and record again some segments as needed.
Please shoot horizontal, 16:9.
Please do it slower. People want to see what is all about.
Very nice for a first try!

Sorry I missed this, friend!
We must understand, also, how much differently INFLECTED the Dutch Language is..

I believe that Jelle makes his accent SUPER “english” when speaking english.. It would sound pretty.. amusing if the ENGLISH sentences reflected the SAME intonation/stress points as the Dutch language.

For instance the Native Americans (I’m some of this) that I speak to.. speak their English with upward inflection.. or “stressing” their verbs.. OR “drum their english” out rhythmically.. This is because this most resembles their though-into-spoken-word process from their native language.

Whereas the Serbians (Balkan Region ((I’m MOSTLY this 🤣))) will stress or inflect their PERSONAL relationship to the sentence.. no matter WHAT.

Sorry.. I like linguistics.

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I believe that Jelle makes his accent SUPER “english” when speaking english.
I am afraid this is the normal way for me to speak English. But then again, lived and worked in Australia, the UK and Canada. So my accent might reflect the speech in those countries more than how my countryman speak. Working in an international environment with , I think, 60 nationalities also helps.
I am afraid this is the normal way for me to speak English. But then again, lived and worked in Australia, the UK and Canada. So my accent might reflect the speech in those countries more than how my countryman speak. Working in an international environment with , I think, 60 nationalities, also helps.
Oh yes.. I didn’t mean JUST for this video..

I mean you’ve been speaking english so long and so varied that you can now speak ENGLISH in ENGLISH accents... you do not speak with the “ups and downs” that a Dutch-speaking person sounds like when JUST learning English. Like your english has become increasingly normalized throughout your adventures.
Oh yes.. I didn’t mean JUST for this video..

I mean you’ve been speaking english so long and so varied that you can now speak ENGLISH in ENGLISH accents... you do not speak with the “ups and downs” that a Dutch-speaking person sounds like when JUST learning English. Like your english has become increasingly normalized throughout your adventures.
Look for Louis van Gaal interviews. That guy is the personification of Dunglish.
I've heard professors do this kind of English a damn lot. Especially with Chinese students (who learned second hand English from Chinese natives that never ever went to an English speaking country) this leads to hilarious moments.

I remember my professor looking for a Chinese guy named Hong Rui, and the guy answering "No sir, I am not hungry, I just ate."

Maybe I'll do a video too, just too shoo hoow bed it ken ket. Beekus wen we go all out, we go out lout!
You rock, @Clicio !

You obviously DON’T live in.. central Sao Paulo. (Is thar right?.. I think that’s where my friend Raimundo Neto (NOT the whole family name) lives...
Yes, I still do live in central SP, but...
Just bought that house in the countriside to where I will move in one year or so!
Yes, I still do live in central SP, but...
Just bought that house in the countriside to where I will move in one year or so!
That is fantastic!
Glad to hear, friend.. I heard it’s been a roughER patch of time.. and that area.. can get rough in NORMAL times. :)
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