Emperor Pom

For those who I mailed trees to:
Pot them up in your mix, place them in shade for at least a week.
DO NOT WIRE THEM!!!!! Allow them to come back up on their own (Standing tall).
Water well and just watch them grow...If you allow them to flower be sure and leave 1 to fruit (for Seeds), do not worry that the fruit is heavy and bends the branch over (after fruit is gone it will stand back up).
Hey Irene!

Thanks for the tips. I wasn't planning to wire but I was going to put in some sun....but I guess that I won't! And of COURSE I'm going to let it flower and fruit--that's the best part of the tree!!!!!!

Thanks again!!!!!
Will do Mom, and thanks again! Now I will have three dwarf varieties, nana, Evergreen's Red Dwarf and Emperor. Way cool! I love Pomes!
I received my Emperor Poms Yesterday! They are so much more dwarf than I thought that they were...a wonderful thing!!! I can't wait to do something with them, although I'm going to wait at least until fall or winter...probably nothing this year. In any case, they look amazing and I can't wait to see them grow!!! i'll post pics soon...

Will do Mom, and thanks again! Now I will have three dwarf varieties, nana, Evergreen's Red Dwarf and Emperor. Way cool! I love Pomes!
If ya have an extra cutting off the nana and red I would like one of each...
Glad you boys are enjoying the trees! I just love the deep color of the fruit on them and man do they have tons of seeds in the fruit!
Got mine and they are doing well! I will work on getting some extras going. This was so nice. The nana's leaves are about half of the Emperor and Red if you can believe it. Fruits are about 1 inch. They are a pinkish red however not the purple like Emperor and Red.
My pommies are looking good. One has made 4 flower buds, the other just growing, but both are looking so much better now! When they came in they looked a little droopy (no doubt from the shipping trauma) but I repotted them in 100% hardwood bark. I checked the roots a few days ago and they were AMAZING! Like, I could pull the tree out of the pot and no bark fell off! Thanks again Irene!

When I remember I'll take a picture of each and post them. Milehigh, how are yours looking?

OK you boys.....Post some pics...
Hi Irene!

Ok, here are some pictures of my pommies...one is blooming and one is not. but they both look great. :D



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Just as mine were starting to come on we had our first 105F and 5% humidity stretch and this combined with a malfunction in my watering system and I lost one of the poms and the other just lost all of its leaves. However it has rebounded nicely. Here is a pic:


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