Elm wintering question.


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Blaine Minnesota
Hey guys!! New here and new to bonsai. I live in minnesota where the winters are brutal. I stored my chinese elms in my unheated garage to provide good shelter I left them outside until they dropped there leaves and let them freeze a few times to get them dormant. But I read some conflicting info at the time and I havent been watering them. Did I kill them by not watering???
We’ll need more information to determine whether you’ve killed them yet, or not.

But I definitely have to water the trees that I put in the garage for the winter.
What other info would be helpful? The temp in the garage stays between 20-30 degrees. I put them in the garage November 1st. If I'm remembering correctly.
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They are probably alright if they were dormant on November 1st.

Kinda depends on the soil.

What type of soil are they in? Did you use any sort of topdressing?

Is the soil damp? Completely dried out? Has the soil remained frozen solid?

Is the garage completely dark, or are they by a window?

What do the buds look like? Is there visible dessication of the branches?

In any event, you’ll find out in the next couple of months! I like to put some snow on top of the soil for my trees in the garage. It melts slowly in the cold garage and seems to keep them at a nice moisture level. I’d imagine there is no shortage of snow up there!
What other info would be helpful? The temp in the garage stays between 20-30 degrees. I put them in the garage November 1st. If I'm remembering correctly.
THey are probably fine IF he soil has stayed at 30-32 F. Frozen water doesn't evaporate very quickly. That said, it is CRUCIAL that you monitor soil moisture when overwintered trees are stored in a closed, covered area. Soil can dry out--dry soil in freezing weather kills roots quickly--water in the soil act as an insulator against cold. I'd check your trees...
Thanks for the replies!! I believe they did dry out. Not sure how much I watered them last night. They dont look very good. I guess I'll just keep watering as needed. Maybe try the snow method. Hopefully they live. The older tree has much more loamy and organic soil. I repotted the younger trees in a larger pot with higher quality superfly bonsai premium soil mix.
Scratch one of the branches a little bit with your finger nail. If its green under there, you should be ok.
When I used to live in the cold north, I would regularly pile snow on the trees I stored in the garage. If it got warm enough to melt the snow, they could prob benefit from being watered. If not, they stayed cold enough to stay dormant.
I usually water the trees in my garage about once a month but it never freezes there. You need to keep the roots from drying out and dieing.
Thanks everyone. I now believe I know how to properly winter my bonsai. I'm hoping I didnt kill them but time will tell. I did manage to get several cuttings propagated well from both trees so I will always have them if the two dont live. I also have a pomegranate tree that I got about 3 months ago. And a dawn redwood i just purchased.
So I scratched the bark a bit and it is still green!! So I'm hopeful I didnt kill them. I put a bunch of snow on them to keep them cool and moist. And i guess i just keep my fingers crossed.
Oh and what about light?? How much light does an elm need in the winter. There is no ambient light in my garage.
Ok. Just thought I would check. Just cou ting down the days until its warm enough to put them back outside!!
Relax, sometime one will pass on. Happens to all of us. Yours sound fine but they can feel you anxiety so you don't want to add to their stress. Just talk to them softly.
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