Elm bloomed early


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Hey guys I have an elm that has been dormant during most of the winter. I have been moving it from the outside to the garage during really cold days. I'm in the nyc area and a couple days ago I noticed the buds swelling and then today they opened. Should I just leave it next to a sunny window or try to get it back in dormancy?
Bloom usually is used to refer to flowers. :)

Unless you expect hard freeze, I would let them be outside and just bring them in (protect) when freeze is expected.

BTW, are you in California or New York? I am a bit confused.
My cork elms that are outdoors are opening as well so don't fight it just protect against frost or freeze to prevent from new growth getting burned
If you are in NYC, you will need to take it indoors for the remainder of winter and do your best to give it good light and humidity. If you are in CA, different story...
Hello I apologize for the confusion...I'm in ny right now and it's below 10 F at night and it's supposed to be down to 3 F next week. I put it next to the window where it gets full sun with a humidity tray so I'm hoping that ok.
I tried a new led grow light above my Chinese elm this winter. It was in the garage. It started budding out about two weeks ago and is in full summer growth now. I will keep I t above 32 degrees this Year.
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