Okay, so here's what's going on. I have a chinese elm I got about two years ago, it's a bonsai, not a pre-bonsai, though I have been planting it in a deeper pot to try and thicken the trunk up a bit. Previous fall, spring and summer I put outside in (northern) sunlight. When winter came around I waited for the tree to go dormant and brought it in when it got really cold. Now I have it inside and am planning on keeping it inside. I have a good growlight, a heat element, good humidity and air circulation. I feel like this setup should be more than enough for my elm to thrive but it isn't; I feel like there's a lot of peripheral die off and am afraid I'm going to lose this plant. I honestly don't know what went wrong or why it isn't coming out of dirmancy.
Please advise, thanks!
Please advise, thanks!