Hello greenhorn321...rockm..gave you some great and very true information about this species.. I started to work on one about a month or so ago. However, it was mostly for fun and for something to work on in between my specimen and better quality trees. Here is the progression of mine. It might give you some ideas. However, since this was just for fun and something to do, I normally would not recommend doing this much work to a conifer.
Pic 1 is as purchased
Pic 2 after pruning, but no wiring
Pic 3 is after wiring and carving
bump, Rob is this guy still alive?
Nope, this one did not make it. I think it was just too much work. However, I was having a terrible fungus problem that summer. It is possible that it was killed by a fungus. Maybe a combination of the 2. My other spruce, the yamadori style spruce you asked about is doing very well though. I replied in that thread.
Wow, that was a shocker! Looks awesome. Did it survive?Hello greenhorn321...rockm..gave you some great and very true information about this species.. I started to work on one about a month or so ago. However, it was mostly for fun and for something to work on in between my specimen and better quality trees. Here is the progression of mine. It might give you some ideas. However, since this was just for fun and something to do, I normally would not recommend doing this much work to a conifer.
Pic 1 is as purchased
Pic 2 after pruning, but no wiring
Pic 3 is after wiring and carving