winter stresses me too. compared to up north we get relatively mild winters - mild with sporadic drops into teens and single digits and the inevitable late season freezes (generally well after the trees have broken dormancy)
it makes my back hurt thinking about it.
im still trying to decide whether to add on to my latest project (new set of benches and backyard landscaping) but havent decided what to do. i would love to not have to move all those trees and leave on benches all winter in climate controlled structure, but im still trying to work on the logistics (considering how warm it gets here at times.)
id like to just leave them on the ground with hay bales creating a wall around them all winter, but i always chicken out and bring the good ones in.
never lost a tree to winter, but dont want to either as the collection has improved over the years.
it makes my back hurt thinking about it.
im still trying to decide whether to add on to my latest project (new set of benches and backyard landscaping) but havent decided what to do. i would love to not have to move all those trees and leave on benches all winter in climate controlled structure, but im still trying to work on the logistics (considering how warm it gets here at times.)
id like to just leave them on the ground with hay bales creating a wall around them all winter, but i always chicken out and bring the good ones in.
never lost a tree to winter, but dont want to either as the collection has improved over the years.