's a comforting feeling having them all tucked away

winter stresses me too. compared to up north we get relatively mild winters - mild with sporadic drops into teens and single digits and the inevitable late season freezes (generally well after the trees have broken dormancy)

it makes my back hurt thinking about it.

im still trying to decide whether to add on to my latest project (new set of benches and backyard landscaping) but havent decided what to do. i would love to not have to move all those trees and leave on benches all winter in climate controlled structure, but im still trying to work on the logistics (considering how warm it gets here at times.)

id like to just leave them on the ground with hay bales creating a wall around them all winter, but i always chicken out and bring the good ones in.

never lost a tree to winter, but dont want to either as the collection has improved over the years.
Record highs posted here for yesterday. Highs at my house were mid 60s. Going to be almost as warm today.
I hope the trees dont start thinking its spring and have to go through the whole get used to winter coming thing again. They have already experienced some hard frosts and a couple of freezes. Even worse, I pray we dont go from 40s and 50s (sometimes 60) to 20s and 30s in a day or two and really mess them up.

Same here yesterday and warm again today. On the bright side we might be able to decorate the tree with fresh Roses from the garden:eek: Is strange having the Roundup out and watering this time of year.


71 here today.

I am prepping the remaining trees and will move most into their winter quarters over the next few days. Cold snap coming this weekend, though it looks to be short-lived...back into the 60s or higher again next week.
Man, it's been warm here and my trees stay out all year round. When temps drop to 32 the go on the ground and that's about it. I haven't lost a single tree to winter. I do protect any that been styled or pruned in fall. They go in the garage while temps are close to 20 or below, then back out after the temps are above it
Okay, this is the stressful time for those of us without temperature regulated greenhouses or winter storage facilities. It was 70°F on Christmas Day, on New Years it was in the 60's and BAMM....Single digits. Its the roller coaster ups and downs that make me nuts.

Hope everyone's trees and stock are as hunkered down and protected as possible.

Have a great day!Screenshot_2016-01-05-06-25-14.png
Okay, this is the stressful time for those of us without temperature regulated greenhouses or winter storage facilities. It was 70°F on Christmas Day, on New Years it was in the 60's and BAMM....Single digits. Its the roller coaster ups and downs that make me nuts.

Hope everyone's trees and stock are as hunkered down and protected as possible.

Have a great day!View attachment 90993
I hear alarm went off in the greenhouse last night. Had to go and bump up thermostat. I upgraded to two sensors out there this year. Because when it no longer at desired temp it only flashes without actually telling me the temp currently only that it's not where it should be. This now allows me desired temps alarm...but if it goes below that a few degrees to mean I need secondary heat source because it's just to cold to keep up. And...if that occurs to not allow it to get much warmer with that running without alarm going off again.
BAMM....Single digits. Its the roller coaster ups and downs that make me nuts.

Seems your weather is very similar to mine, had to adjust the humidifier this morning furnace running a lot...


I want as much cold as possible on my trees in the next couple of days. Enough to freeze through the deep mulch piles they're stored in. That freeze through will keep them cold through the next warm spell later in the week.

Can't seen trying to keep them warm when Mother Nature is doing the same. You have to look farther down the road than one or two cold nights...
Damn! 8!

Looks like we're gonna be going from low 20's to low 40's thru Feb.....not bad...

I'm hopin for a early March Spring bud popping!

I want as much cold as possible on my trees in the next couple of days. Enough to freeze through the deep mulch piles they're stored in. That freeze through will keep them cold through the next warm spell later in the week.

Can't seen trying to keep them warm when Mother Nature is doing the same. You have to look farther down the road than one or two cold nights...

Secondary heat only comes into play when we have -26F temps. But I do keep my trees 28-35...throughout winter is my happy zone.
NEVER hope for early bud break. Warm temperatures in early spring are killers, as inevitable deep freezes follow. As cold as possible for as long as possible...Move over two dozen 50+ lb trees inside than back outside repeatedly a few times and you get over the longing for an early spring.
I don't mind the cold as much as Mother Natures mood swings. Cold all winter is a good thing.
glad to hear it Sandy. It was freeeeeezing last night and with the winds I didn't chance leaving anything out that wasn't mulched in. It's funny because I just put up the burlap barrier for wind last weekend! Just in time. Everything in a pot went into the garage where its still cold but protected from the drying winds and low teen temps.
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