Not at all an attack on the GOP in referencing the Nazi 25 Point Programme, just Trump alone.
I'd rather vote for Rubio than Hillary.
Undeniably, Trump preys on the fear and anger of the population to gain support.
He isolates and condemns specific groups of people, instilling irrational fear into the American population about these people. Specifically Mexicans and Muslims.
He has said he wants to create a national database to track and identify Muslim Americans and also halt the immigration of Muslims into this country; for no reason except their religious beliefs. Oh, and absolutely zero Syrian refugees. At the same time he has also said, "The thing about these terrorists is you have to take out their families. When you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families." The conspiracy theorists have been going crazy for years believing those bullshit ass stories about "FEMA Camps created by Obama to enslave Christians", but they hear this shit and its ok. They hear Trump say he wants to carpet bomb the entire Middle East and leave it as nothing but glass and they thinks thats ok. Not only ok, but they are vocally supportive of it. This dude is running to be the Commander in Chief along with the President of the US and is justifying, supporting, and proposing that our military commit international crimes of war.
He wants to build a 35ft high, concrete wall across the 2,000mi southern border of the US. “The wall is going to cost a fraction of that [$50 billion trade deficit with Mexico], maybe $10 billion or $12 billion, and it’s going to be a real wall." And says he is going to make Mexico pay for it. How the fuck is he going to do that? The US can't even keep Mexican brick weed from crossing the border and no one wants to buy that shit. Then factor in that he also plans on deporting 12 million Mexican immigrants in "18 - 24 months". How is he planning to do this shit? It is nothing but illusions of grandeur to prey on the scared. Just like Hitler blamed the Jews for the problems in Germany.
Fuck. Trump has even been known to keep a copy of Zweites Buch (the sequel to Mein Kampf) at his bedside. He confirmed this after his wife Ivanka said that he kept a copy next to his bed during an interview in the 1990's. He even attacked Megyn Kelly, "the lying media", for questioning his political positions during a political debate. He said she was on her period. What the fuck, didn't Hitler imprison journalists who opposed the Nazi party? Trump praised Putin as a great leader after being questioned why he would support a man who kills and imprisons American journalists. There are even reports of Trump's father being arrested in the 1920's at a KKK rally in a fight against the police. Trump denies his father to have any ties to the group, but he would not disavow David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan on CNN, just a few days ago.
The British House of Commons even had to hold a hearing to ban his entrance to the UK because of a petition calling for the bar of his entrance. "We've seen the result in Europe of what happens when you demonize and entire group of people for no reason from their race." Have you ever heard this type of thing happening to a serious contender for presidential nomination? It's absolutely asinine. The guy is just a flat out racist and demagogue. I just can not believe this shit. I really can not. Trump is the front runner of the GOP party and very likely to win the GOP Nomination. It is very scary that this is what Americans want for our country.