Does using Tap water or Distilled water really matter ?

Did you do a ph test? Curious what the tablespoon drops it to.
I also let tap sit for 24+hours to evaporate chemicals.
I read somewhere that 1 tbl /gal = -1.0 pH. Haven't verified tho.
Most people use sodium in their water softeners. I use potassium chloride in my water softener, but it's six times more expensive than regular softener salt. And it seems to clog up the bottom of the brine tank more regularly, so there is more maintenance required to keep it functioning properly. Every 4-6 weeks I have to clear and break up a "salt dam" at the bottom of the tank. Here in Florida sodium chloride is six dollars for a 40 pound bag, while potassium is about 33 dollars per 40 pound bag.
Price is pretty high for the potassium, but the deal breaker is cleaning the brine tank.
Ours is 8 or 10 years old, functions flawlessly and has never been cleaned. The tank before this one was installed in 1978 and we used it for about 23 to 24 years before we upgraded to a more efficient tank. We never cleaned it and I doubt the prior owner did.
Tap v distilled (or RO) depends on your tap water. Total alkalinity and total dissolved salts are the hidden baddies in water, neither are easily overcome. If either are high probably best to use RO or collect rainwater.
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