Does anyone recognize this plant?


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It was a hitchhiker in a pot with another plant. It looks like a tree or shrub seedling but it's already blooming and has been non-stop since I got it. I still can't identify it and I don't plan to be back at the nursery it came from for a while to ask them. I'm certain it's a tropical and have been treating it like one. The flowers are tiny and white, dangling from underneath the compound leaves.

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In case anyone happens to one day run into the same issue I believe I've identified it as phyllanthus niruri. Some qualities of it reminded me of a euphorbia and it turns out phyllanthus are relatives of them. I decided to try one of those plant identification apps on my phone and tested on this plant. While it didn't identify the plant it definitely helped get me much closer.
Looking at Google images of phyllathus Niruri, especially the flowers and fruit I think you are spot on. the leaves on yours appear to be more "pointy" than the ones on Google but it could be another variety or something. Maybe environmental conditions, who knows?
You're right about the leaves but plants from seed can vary slightly. The flowers and fruit are what made me decide on p. niruri and not another variety of phyllanthus. It is definitely a phyllanthus of some variety though.
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