Do Like butons kill discussion?

I think it is not the like button. For a few years now I have felt that the more knowledgable members are less on the platform and/or post less. We had a few members who would gladly discuss pros and cons of methods (say, use lower buds or upper buds to develop branches). Those discussions fed the rest of the forum.
I think it is not the like button. For a few years now I have felt that the more knowledgable members are less on the platform and/or post less. We had a few members who would gladly discuss pros and cons of methods (say, use lower buds or upper buds to develop branches). Those discussions fed the rest of the forum.
People come and go. Real life intrudes... and sometimes people take time off bonsai. After 18 years I'm actually surprised how many of the earliest members are still here!

On the plus side, we have a constant stream of new members - some of whom already are quite accomplished, or who have become so with time.
I use the like button a lot if I like the tree that is posted or the conversation from the sender. I think a lot of us get tired of posting a reply that is our personal opinion and then have people beat you, and what you said up. Some people are nice with their comments in regards to posts, but others are not. Why would you set yourself up for verbal abuse and possible embarrassment? Yes, I know that I have pretty thin skin.
I use the like button a lot if I like the tree that is posted or the conversation from the sender. I think a lot of us get tired of posting a reply that is our personal opinion and then have people beat you, and what you said up. Some people are nice with their comments in regards to posts, but others are not. Why would you set yourself up for verbal abuse and possible embarrassment? Yes, I know that I have pretty thin skin.

I haven't had that experience. If I'm wrong, someone will tell me, but most people here are not mean about it.

Perhaps we should just have a dislike button.
I think this just helps eliminate 50 people saying “nice tree”.
It also allows new members a way to develop interests and be able to participate even though they may not be able to add to the discussion themselves.
In some cases it allows a way to support or encourage those in a heated debate without actually getting involved. Lol
hello fellow bnuts!
just a tought that passed my mind multiple times so i just write it down...
ever since introduction of like buttons on social media and forums (not only this one) i have the feeling people are using the like button allot but hardly comment anymore, ofcourse a comment with only i like what you have done will be of similar value then a thumbs up but for me it feels like that before the like button was there people would often write down what they like or what they think could be done different and so start a conversation/discussion with the poster i was reading trough my old threads and some of them have 8 pages of people discussing the posted tree's and if i compare it with threads created in the "like button" era often have way less conversation going.
ofcourse i am guilty too in some cases and have to remind myself also to drop some messages instead of a like or at least explain what i like and what made me press the button.
reading trough my old threads i remind myself i should comment more also, ive learned so much in the past by talking with others about my projects even if online based on pictures it helped me grow and sometimes look at an different angle then i was doing.
i am not asking to change things or remove the like buttons but i simply wanted to write down my toughts about it to see if others have noticed the same or have toughts about this matter too.
I have not really noticed, but I see your point. It's much easier nowadays for someone to hit the like button rather than type out a few sentences. But thats how social media has evolved. In this fast paced world, not everyone has the time to write, so they 'like' instead or might not engage at all, if it wasnt for the like button! Its just another way to engage. Not being able to engage at all, apart from typing a message would be worse for social media platforms.

If you would prefer people to engage via comments/feedback you can encourage it in your topics. Specifically, ask questions, ask for opinions etc
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