Displaying trees indoors in winter

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Eastern MA
I've always been nervous to bring my trees indoors for more than a couple of hours during winter, but I was curious to get opinions...

It would seem that trees can be brought indoors for at least a few days given that there are winter bonsai shows. I've never messed with it, but I've had thoughts about bringing a tree indoors during winter to enjoy the silhouette more than I would where they're tucked away for the colder months. I also have some younger but strong-flowering ume that might be nice to have indoors when they like to show off in later winter.

Is this at all a reasonable thing? If so, how long would you keep them indoors? I worry the temp change could spark them into thinking it's spring - but like I said, winter shows - it had me thinking.
I would be curious to know what those people that display trees in those winter shows do with them after the show.
Do they just throw them back out into wherever they keep them in the winter or do they put them in a cold greenhouse that keeps them cold but above freezing?

I would be reluctant to bring something from 30-40 degrees to inside temperatures 65-70 degrees even for a few days for the same concerns you express.
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