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Jacksonville, Fl
Here is Judy's piglet less refined, dirty south cousin. 3 years in the making. Year one I chopped the tree down while it was still in the ground. Year two I chopped it again from the new leaders it had grown and did some basic trunk selections leaving about 5 or so. Year three I dug up all around the base excavating the large roots but leaving the ends in the ground. I also cut the about a 5 inch section from the tap root. I then ringed the large roots close to the base and packed spaghnum moss around the roots. I then wrapped zip lock bags around the roots and buried it all back. This pre spring I gently dug the tree from the ground, so I didn't break any of the new roots.
Here is Judy's piglet less refined, dirty south cousin. 3 years in the making. Year one I chopped the tree down while it was still in the ground. Year two I chopped it again from the new leaders it had grown and did some basic trunk selections leaving about 5 or so. Year three I dug up all around the base excavating the large roots but leaving the ends in the ground. I also cut the about a 5 inch section from the tap root. I then ringed the large roots close to the base and packed spaghnum moss around the roots. I then wrapped zip lock bags around the roots and buried it all back. This pre spring I gently dug the tree from the ground, so I didn't break any of the new roots.

@markyscott would you recommend me cutting the top from that really strong shoot on the right or let it grow for the rest of the season?
Drew, how big around was it when you started? That is really looking nice.
The trunk is the same size. It was a 30 foot tree or so when i chopped it. As far as the diameter i have no idea I haven't measured.
What would you do?
  1. Remove any branches that I clearly don't want, such as this one I circled (maybe leave a stub till later) Sketch.png
  2. A little wiring to aim branches on a better trajectory (if it isn't good already) IF it isn't already too lignified.
  3. Cut back all branches to about half or one-third their present length and then in spring shorten more to get low buds
  4. Then let it run to thicken
Rinse&repeat for the next 3 years or so, then maybe start working on ramification which I would do by hedge pruning two or three times a growing season, and cleaning out any unsightly stuff after leaf fall each year. Not very exciting, but I need to keep in mind my chosen front because I want heavier branches in front and thinner ones in back for perspective in the design.
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