DirkvanDreven 6 year JBP from seed contest

Things aren't developping as supposed.
There's hardly any growth of my seedling cuttings. A lot of cutting just dried up and turned yellow.
on these there wasn't any root grow. most of the bare stems were black.
Worst result with sedling cuttings ever.
What i did different now then in other years was the medium for the cuttings. I used to use sand, or very fine sifted akadama. This year I used organic soil for seedlings and cuttings in the middle of the pot filled with regular akadama lava and pumice.
maybe the holes filled with soil were to small, causing the cuttings not beiing surrounded with fine soil. (I feel I must apologise : English is not my native language; I hope you understand what I mean).
A few Seedling cuttings left. hardly growing but still green. Lets hope for the best.
I don't think there's time to start over. Especially if cuttings need to be made of the seedlings. Our growing season is just not long enough! Hope the remaining seedlings turn out to be okay. Seems I paved my road to victory to soon!
Mantra ------------ one again, soft wooded trees naturally grow
surface roots.

The cutting root part lowers the buds to the area closer to the
When you start to grow extension branches to thicken the trunk
it will all make sense.
Good Day

* noticing that with J,B.pine seedlings some have softer wood
than others.
Have 1 m tall trees with 1.25 cm trunks, and 1/3 m ones with 2.5 cm
See my other entries on pines for visual proof.

if want to, look at my entry, also used clay cups. 30 something.
Additionally, planted a few deeper than normal to see if they
would naturally root closer to the cotyledons.
So you don't have to cut anything.

Will let you know around October or so how they managed.
Good Day
Make sure the cuttings are in shade for at least 4 weeks or so
Yeah just like @my nellie said, humidty is key. I did some covered and some uncovered and the ones that I covered with a plastic bag are the ones that survived. None of the ones I didn't cover survived
If my cuttings make it, and take root, I can just mail you 5 plants or so. If that isn't against the rules.
That's a kind offer! I hope it won't be necessary. Stil have about 15 out of 36 green ones. They seem to be growing. Making small buts between the needles.
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