More info on the war of "too little" vs "not too little"
The nursery where I originally bought this has them in stock again. What they have in stock looks identical to what mine in leaf size, shape and coloration. They are labeled "too little" which I know doesn't mean much.
Compared to
@HENDO's specimen (which is pretty damn awesome!), the leaves on mine are comparable size:
Remember, my tree has no ramification...some of my leaves are still on the larger side.
Coloration wise, mine has that same lemon/lime coloring of new/old growth. My picture is bad because it's raining, but, if you look close, mine has the edging of yellow specks in the leaves as well. If it's not "too little", it's close enough for me
Anyway, it's starting to fill in some again.
No wire, but I have been working those bottom branches out some to widen the tree a bit. The top needs to flare out some more to "round" the canopy more too...I might need to brake down and wire up there though. The bottom branches are easy enough to get my fingers in there and bend every day or two. It springs back, but its working well enough. The top is hard to get into.
It might be time to start pinching growth tips to fill it in more too...2 nights in the mid 40F this past week though
I'd like to see it get warmer.
As for the top I lopped off? It fully defoliated itself and sat like a stupid little stick for about a month before slowly starting to leaf out.
It could use some heat to increase it's vigor now as well! The current potted tree I really like the looks of so that one will stay that size for the duration...I'll just work more on filling it in. This cutting might be more of a 10 year project...I'd like to have one of these with some heft to it