Imperial Masterpiece
This whole post is a farce, It starts with not making sense about a greenhorn making a bonsai out of a species that is not suitable for bonsai just because he found some close by. I guess that's better than finding a bag of potatoes. Then, a serious discussion about making a bonsai out it anyway because some people offered examples of sticks with 3 leaves as successful bonsai because the leaves protruding from the sticks were smaller than a breadbox. Good God! The natural extension of a stupid conversation then descends into Hell with examples of reduced internodes from a stump with a quadrillion suckers and other testimony that includes the spoken word, Catalpa. Then a slight diversion into growing this bad boy in an inappropriate condition of too wet and low sunlight. That was solved, chemically, so we could make the natural jump across the chasm of good sense by doubling down with the inexperienced greenhorn upping his game with a still-inappropriate candidate big enough to look better with leaves smaller than a breadbox. My head hurts.