These are a couple thoughtful gents but I don't know when the last time they worked one from an actual mall in a pot with an actual drip tray attached with substrate of actual mud that was kept inside 4 actual walls for sometime before you actually brought it home, and began keeping it in conditions that are actually different....
But for real .....
They're tuff but there's a world of things that may have em dead in the future already, which wouldn't be your fault and wouldn't make these gents wrong, but ......
Less is almost always better.
Lotta, you could but shouldya of's.
I am very against this idea that "the tree didn't skip a beat", because it leads us to believe we can actually know what would have happened if we DIDN'T do something.
Every move is ALWAYS going to cause an effect, and they are ALWAYS IRREVERSIBLE.
Long time ago I decided that since it is true we can't speed up the process, we MUST do EVERYTHING possible to not slow it down.
To do this we must completely remove ourselves from this idea that we can know what may have been when we cause irreversible change.
This allows us patience of thought, that leads us to considering further possibilities of what our moves do in fact effect.
For me with this tree, it is the possibility that you will not have enough foliage to support what may be a necessary soon Repot if that soil is in fact mud. Then you stand catching one of a laundry list of pests and problems that effect elm and you may find yourself back here asking these gents where your paddle is when you are navigating the rapids of what is officially Dung River, Water Poop Passage, Fecal Stream, Shit Creek.
This brings a lot of validity to
@GrimLore teaching of just observing a plant for one year.
Allow it to tell you the first safe move.
The easiest way to see the future is to get there before you act.