I used about 40% pine fines once and it dried out too fast.
Pretty sure it was half the soil, half because the trees were so happy and growing like mad!
But I had wilting Buckthorn by the time I got home so I went to 100% .
I went looking for the Home Depot pine fines again and couldn't find it anymore.
Anything smaller AND more absorbent than sifted 8822 negates the properties of 8822 and shouldn't be used.
Not that it's bad, but 8822 becomes the "aggragate" then....
But it is useless as such, so stick with just potting soil, or use something like turkey grit.
100% unsifted 8822 IS a death sentence in time.
You might get away with it till you get to the settled part of the bag, but eventually, the dust WILL create a water block and give you dead dry patches.
Always sift with a mask.....
At night with a headlamp so you're neighbors think you'e a terrorist mixing up ......