Could you expand on this please?
I prune the shoots in the upper crown constantly while they're still red to induce the fine twigging and tips the species is known for.
This post is by Marcus watts, on another forum a few years ago. ive been applying some to my own tree. not done any defoliating yet in the two seasons but i might try next season. ive not followed it to the letter,
"Winter prune out the longer thick sections and any bits of the tree too dense in comparison to the rest
When it starts growing in spring (Zelkova can be much later to bud burst than other elm type trees- they are not elms either, just named as such in English) the new shoots and leaves are pinky red, cut all extensions back to 2 leaves while the twig is still red. This pruning period will last a few weeks as the shoots open over the tree......Now do nothing until early summer
Early summer......defoliate tree.......100% essential. You will trigger many more twigs rather than just straight shoots with leaves on. Do not rip leaves off by hand, the resulting re growth is very poor as too many base buds are damaged. Cut off the leaves properly with fine sharp scissors.
Feed steadily from spring till autumn.....when you chop lots off a tree you have to feed it well in return so it responds rather than weakens. I Feed all our stock and personal trees weekly with my fish emulsion concentrate and every 6weeks with our bonsai boost pellets"
"I clearly said do all the pruning when the new shoots are red, soft and small and to cut back to a leaf or two. Over the few weeks that the tree wakes up you just keep doing the same thing - this is a perfect way to balance energy as you cut the earliest and strongest shoots first, the slower ones take a little longer to be big enough to cut back and the weakest ones now have an opportunity to grow a bit. Every single shoot gets cut very early in the season too so heavy rampant growth never gets started. We are making a broom style tree here so all pruning is top pruning. The only time you need to consider heavier work is on a tree that has been unworked for a few years previously, grown in a big pot etc then it can be better to chop lots off and regrow all the branches from stubs
This is exactly the same plan I use with my specimen Zelkova a few people are 'debating' shall we say in another thread on here."