I aquired this trident maple years ago. I kept getting trees stolen so my best material was taken care of by friends in my local bonsai club until I moved into a place where my trees were safe. I'm lucky to have a good friends and they know who they are. This tree is one of my favorites and pictures dont do it justice. It's been growing healthy for 3 years in this box I had constructed but definitely needs to be repotted asap. There are 2 possible fronts and possibly when I take the tree out of this box there might be a better option. Before I do anything I thought i would post pictures of the tree and 1 of 2 possible fronts . There is a branch coming out straight to the viewer that unfortunately needs to be eliminated unless members like smoke or any of the other advanced veterans feel there is possibly a better plan. ( i will post more pics of the tree) The lower and mid trunk have no scars making eliminating any branches a rather difficult decision (need to get confidence back which is where the club and this community come in) The reverse taper at the apex needs to be corrected and the 2nd picture I will locate the area of the apex I am thinking of cutting off. Also the red dotted line coming out of the bend is where I'm thinking of thread grafting a branch in the future if this is indeed the front. Opinions? I forgot to angle the tree with blocks. Will post photo with angles too.