Dawn Redwood Bonsai dying


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I have repotted my dawn redwood bonsai most probabbly at the wrong time. I have repotted it some month ago, when it had pretty much no spous or any green. I have pruned the roots and placed it in a new container. 2 out of 5 trees have started to dry out and pretty if you touch the branches you can feel its very dry.


In the picture its the one on the left and right. Is there anything i can do to still try and save these 2 trees? The other 3 are doing really fine and are growing and expanding alot.

I would really appreciate some help.
You should praise the lord the other one's are still alive, those on the side look very dead. You should fill ur location in ur profile so people can see ur climate location, Welcome to the Forum!.
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So many questions come to mind...
- where are you located?
- how long have you had the plant, was it healthy before?
- exactly when did you do the repotting?
- what kind of soil did you use...the soil looks very heavy/wet but the photo could be misleading
- where have you been keeping the tree...indoors, outside in shade, outside in sun, etc?

I'm guessing that if those two dead-looking trees don't have any signs of growth or new buds, they are probably gone. Scratch through the bark in a couple of places, if you see green they may have a chance. If not...toast.
Welcome to Crazy!

+5 points of those are beers.
-3 for not having them in the fridge!
-10 points if they are sparkling water.
-5 if they are sparkling water but not yours!


I'm located in Lithuania, the plant is growin inside by the window where it gets plenty of direct sunlight. The helthy trees are growing really good i give them plenty of water once they dry out.

I have replanted them and trimmed the roots probably in May. I had bought the plant last summer and it was growing OK.

I'm located in Lithuania, the plant is growin inside by the window where it gets plenty of direct sunlight. The helthy trees are growing really good i give them plenty of water once they dry out.

I have replanted them and trimmed the roots probably in May. I had bought the plant last summer and it was growing OK.

1. Outdoor trees should be outdoors. Sun thru window and household air are not the same thing.
2. Should not be dry before watering but never kept wet. If really dry may have killed trees this way:confused:.
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