Dawn redwood bark - what is going on?

I don’t have an answear, but I’ve had the same issue on one of mine for 2 years. I’ve had no issues other than the poor appearance of the bark. Note, I’ve noticed no improvement in year two in terms of appearance, and, no change in appearance on ‘older’ branches. It seems like a branch either has the issue or it doesn’t.
Bumping up this thread because I've got a nice large DR and... some of the upper branches are showing the exact same issues as described in this thread.
If it is not some kind of fungal infection - rust or canker - I will be happy.
I've been watching this thread for several months. I keep coming back to it because it's the ONLY discussion I can find (and I've spent hours) on the internet that describes what I'm seeing on my DR.
I purchased 10 bare root saplings from an online vendor 3 years ago. All arrived covered in this brown gritty dust. I thought they were moldy but I planted all 10.
The first year I lost 4 to rabbits the rest grew about 18" but retained the brown powdery stuff. The next fall I purchased 4 more from another vendor to replace to rabbit victims. The 4 new trees did not have the brown powdery bark.
The fastest growing of the first lot seemed to be effected the worst and (although growing) by 2nd year I was seeing dieback on effected branches. I was afraid it would spread to other species nearby so I cut it down and burned it reluctantly.
The remaining 9 trees are 2-3 years old and about 3' tall. Every tree now shows this powdery dust beneath curling and peaking bark (almost like a river birch).
I would like to know if they are all doomed and if I'm risking spreading a disease to my entire neighborhood.
Has anyone come to a conclusion on if this is normal or a disease?
@Shibui any conclusions about the issue?
I am not sure if it is really a disease, but my big DR is showing up exactly the same brown powdery stuff beneath curled bark.
Any news?
FWIW, my main DR with it seems to be quite healthy despite the kinda ugly bark. Growing quite vigorously despite very aggressive pruning. The nearby ones do not seem to have caught it over the last year or so. I too, though, remain very curious about diagnosis/cures for this.
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