Dawn Redwood Progression


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Sacramento, CA
Repotted this dawn redwood Jan 2025.
Going to be growing this guy tall in order to thicken the trunk. I was advised to keep the branches short so the branches don’t thicken as much. Hoping I get a good amount of growth this year!


Really dislike how inverse taper is starting to occur on the top with how many buds are swelling, but I think that’s something I’ll chop off anyways down the line.


Any input is appreciated!
I bought a grouping of three dawn redwoods last spring. They were about a half inch in diameter and 8-10 inches tall. I planted them in an old raised bed veggie garden. In one growing season, the largest is 6 foot tall and about 2 1/2 inches in diameter. These things back bud like crazy so chop away. I’m planning on letting them go at least another year before potting them. Just depends on the size you’re after.
Just to ensure the energy goes where you want it down the trunk, one might want to take off those thick branches on top with a clean cut. Be sure to keep one of the thin leaders and a small side branch. Prune off the remaining buds.

The container is a tad small for this stage, but manageable. If one is looking to grow this tree out, plan on up potting every year and reducing the roots as these will fill each pot every year.

One final note. Mighty want to ensure the media has a medium bark component to have a moisture sink for hot weather.

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@Deep Sea Diver

Is this the area you’re referring to cut? I do have another possible leader there circled in blue that would become the new leader. I have been contemplating this move, but my only concern is the setback in time this would cause, perhaps unnecessarily. My goal right now is lots of height, in order to gain trunk girth. What do you think?

I was thinking about just at the branch below the quagmire on top. This will give more growth to feed the trunk. Wire up the branch just below the cut. We often notch the cut to allow the new leader to go up straight, not totally necessary

Fed well and treated properly this tree ought to grow another 3-4’ this year. Might want to have a way to keep the pot upright ready for windy times.

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Solid tip! I ended up doing just that. Much happier with that going forward now. Going to try to root the two cuttings I got. IMG_1633.jpeg
If you give a dawn redwood a large pot and lots of water they will actually grow too fast and get away from you. Thickening up isn't a challenge with them. Getting the desired shape before they thicken up should be the focus.
Hmm… that’s one way to approach the issue.

Can’t say we have experienced a redwood getting out of control in our grow containers, but perhaps they could if neglected for a couple years.

If read OP’s post correctly the main goal was to thicken up the trunk, then create style

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