Crepe-myrtle - Lagerstroemia indica

I would shorten those branches you circled. The curves are too uniform and repetitive and the tree would look better more compact. Make the two trunks develop into two separate but similar outlines... not mirrors of each other/ varying heights, no S curves, just cut off above the first curve and develop ramifications form there, develop into two separate domes of foliage.

Then, you can make a half dozen cuttings with decent movement too! Oh, wait, that is what I would do... I guess not everyone else has dreams of creating an army of trees capable of invading China?
I think you've advanced the tree, Dorian. I'd like to see more distinct trunks. After the chops, the trunks and primary branches are of similar thickness and hardly any taper. BTW, the image of the Chinese Quince on your desktop in one of the photos, was that something you were aiming for? That's actually an image I have too. One of my favorite clump bonsai.
If this is the tree you are talking about then absolutely. I just love this tree and how it looks. When one really looks at this tree, then you start to see the amazing taper and I realise that I will need to cut it back to let it grow out again. Thanks for the feedback.

I would shorten those branches you circled. The curves are too uniform and repetitive and the tree would look better more compact. Make the two trunks develop into two separate but similar outlines... not mirrors of each other/ varying heights, no S curves, just cut off above the first curve and develop ramifications form there, develop into two separate domes of foliage.

Then, you can make a half dozen cuttings with decent movement too! Oh, wait, that is what I would do... I guess not everyone else has dreams of creating an army of trees capable of invading China?
Thanks so much Eric. I will definitely cut it back as that is the feedback that everyone is advising me to do. I might leave one or two of the branches to grow uninterrupted maybe for another season to thicken up the branch before I cut it back. That way the thicknesses will vary. Your thoughts?
I might leave one or two of the branches to grow uninterrupted maybe for another season to thicken up the branch before I cut it back.


I should have italicized that "eventually".

I don't think it is anytime soon.

Seems you have been "enjoying" this one....
It may be time to let it get ugly for awhile!

It deserves that too!

Seems you have been "enjoying" this one....
It may be time to let it get ugly for awhile!

It deserves that too!

I am really enjoying this tree and I love the way that you have put it. It has to get ugly for awhile :D:D:D

So watch this space. Autumn is around the corner so it must just continue to grow on its merry way before I will trim it back in late autumn
Thanks so much Eric. I will definitely cut it back as that is the feedback that everyone is advising me to do. I might leave one or two of the branches to grow uninterrupted maybe for another season to thicken up the branch before I cut it back. That way the thicknesses will vary. Your thoughts?
Sounds good and remember- taller= thicker...
I actually saved this tree from my front yard about three years ago. It has been chopped and re grown to we're I saved it from the yard. This is my first tree I'm fairly new to bonsai. So far all the bends and growth are natural. I have been letting it grow without much pruning. It actually flowers purple I was happy when it started to flower. Thanks for the info and feedback definitely gives me something to think about.
I actually saved this tree from my front yard about three years ago. It has been chopped and re grown to we're I saved it from the yard. This is my first tree I'm fairly new to bonsai. So far all the bends and growth are natural. I have been letting it grow without much pruning. It actually flowers purple I was happy when it started to flower. Thanks for the info and feedback definitely gives me something to think about.
Please post a pic for us to see
I like this tree very much. And the pot suits it, but I would be careful. Crapes will fill a pot with roots very quickly. You might not be able to get it out of there when it's time to repot the tree without breaking the pot. I would definitely repot the tree every year.
I like this tree very much. And the pot suits it, but I would be careful. Crapes will fill a pot with roots very quickly. You might not be able to get it out of there when it's time to repot the tree without breaking the pot. I would definitely repot the tree every year.
Thanks so much

I will definitely keep that in mind.
I took this small tree to our regional bonsai meeting this past weekend and entered it into the 5 yr and younger tree category and it won. I was actually quite surprised as it has only been 2 yrs since I took it out of its pot in the garden. Next weekend I am going to cut back some of the branches and work on the ramification over the next year.

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Congrats, Dorian. Interesting category, a good species and specimen you chose for it. If I'm not mistaken, we have no winter image shows here and it's a pity. Maybe only club-level events.
Congrats, Dorian. Interesting category, a good species and specimen you chose for it. If I'm not mistaken, we have no winter image shows here and it's a pity. Maybe only club-level events.
Thanks so much

It is a interesting category as it allows one to see that certain trees do look good even at a young age.
Just a quick update on this tree of mine

Mid August I cut back most of the branches. The reason for this is that the current branches all look too similar is thickness and movement. Over the next growing season, I am going to get the main branch to thicken up and regrow new branches.

Spring has hit with a vengeance and the tree is full of new leaves and new buds breaking. This bodes well for me as it will allow me many options to get the branch structure right and develop ramification.
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