Creating Bonsai Shelving and Benches

As simple as this looks, this was such a pain to build out because we had to haul in block by block. It is completed. We were so blessed with such great weather I was able to complete the project and repot a few of my trees needing repotting.

Here is a picture the morning before we left for the local hardware store to pick up the blocks and boards.
Here is the after math, it was really good to see that the yard gets this much sun around March. I was concerned the sun hasn't creeped over our roof top yet.



Looking back at this, it wasn't like it was a lot but it really was a lot. I was doing a lot of this myself and then on Saturday my fiancee decided to just help me knock this out of the park. There are quite a few more things I'd like to add to make the whole area less bare and I'm sure when the trees fill in, It should look a lot better. Since these pictures were taken, I've repotted the red maple and the dawn redwood. The maple into a smaller pot, and the dawn redwood took the maple's current pot.

After a few repottings and another haul of masonry blocks and wood panels, the space is pretty much done. Bought a few ornamental grasses I'm going to be slip planting into bigger pots and just waiting for everything to fill in.
Oh forgot to mention, I'm growing kale, cherry tomatoes, spinach, scallions, and cilantro in those planters.
Looking good. Seems like the fence is tall enough to stretch some shade cloth across if need be, for the plants that need it.
@CWTurner it does get terribly sunny. I thought about it too. It'll be something I'll be addressing next I'm sure.
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Very nice. I saved some of the plans for benches in this thread since I'm in dire need to get some set up in my yard. Especially since currently my plants are on the ground outside the fence due to not wanting to let the dogs get to them... Unfortunately, we have tons of deer around, and they love eating young plants...
I agree about pinning it down.
I thought about making these recently for my bonsai so I could move them around and thought maybe I wood drill holes in the feet so I could put a stake in the ground through the foot so it would not tip over.
Those blocks are the cheapest way to do it, and easy to move but they weigh almost 50 lbs. each at the least,nice set up, needs a chair and a radio though.
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