Creating a Hollow Japanese Maple

Last year at MABS, John Kirby sold pretty much every maple he brought if not all of them.
He stated "everyone wants maples this year"
I think he sold pretty much everything by the end of the show but his maples definitely went first.
Have you shared it!?!

My internet is horrific... has been for a bit. I couldn't report it as we were sharing the flu here. So I'm not seeing everything.
Yea I posted it in the purchases thread somewhere and I think in the 2023 fall color thread.
Could I ask you what do you think about this Arakawa Maple with an hot sabamiki?

Should I fill it with epoxy resin following 'japanese rules' or I can leave it (or accentuate it even more as pictures) during next years?

Hope you like this style


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Could I ask you what do you think about this Arakawa Maple with an hot sabamiki?

Should I fill it with epoxy resin following 'japanese rules' or I can leave it (or accentuate it even more as pictures) during next years?

Hope you like this style
I believe strongly . That bonsai is a art form . And you can express that how you decide . But a tree is not a blank canvas or a lump of clay . Part of bonsai as I see it . Is to enhance the tree . Or find the best bonsai in the tree , goals need to be set . Before any work is done , to many skip this step . A goal for this tree may be. To leave it in the style it is . And enhance that , it’s easy to see that it would be the shortest time line . Especially if like me you have multiple long term projects . Another goal would be to fill in the scar as you have suggested . Pitfalls here . Are it’s a long term project. And the old and new scar healed bark may never look great . A third goal may be to split the tree , down the middle and make 2 trees . The artist is the only person that can make these choices . There are pluses and negatives to all .
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