Crazy Collected Thuja

I like the direction you are moving and what has been accomplished so far.
Two thoughts!
The thicker portion of the jin on the lower right could be reduced somewhat, but needs to be retained to ground the base and widen the perspective!
The crossing portion could be reduced and create a bit of downward movement just near the shari beginning vertically.
That would leave deadwood complementing the flow and retaining a broader base possibly! just two thoughts.
I think you are right on with your suggestions and agree about leaving it to help widen the base. Without it the trunk kind of gets smaller a bit at the base. Thanks!
What kind of pot


Something about this picture is making it difficult to tell.
Something lacking ornamentation for sure.

One of those deep rounded rectangles seems fitting, but I think it's only because I'm looking at it in a deep pot, so it seems necessary.

I would definitely want to see all of it's Jin and crown contained within the lip distance.

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