Covid frustration thread

Lidl is selling DIY rapid antigen tests for 2,60 euro or so. I'm not sure if those are valid for international travel though.
Nope. Need an official one.
Good thing is.. For people working across the border, living in Germany, taking a test is free. But a bit silly. I can drive 900km south and visit an unkle in Bavaria.
Yet I cannot drive 20km west and go to my bonsaifield or my office..
a scene is one thing. 400E fine if you cross into Germany without a valid test is something else altogether!
New York City is fining people up to $1000 for not wearing a mask outdoors. California has been trying to tax people for leaving the state.

Even then, given the present political tensions in the States, the one thing all Americans agree on is that the worst thing that could happen to a person now days is to find themselves in the news.
It won't end till the fat lady sings, is that not what they say?
I do not see anyone singing.

I am annoyed with our neighbours opening up shops and restaurants and Germany diving deeper into lockdown, even though infection rated in the Netherlands are 3 times that of Germany.

Would love to get a shot. Still not seeing pretty much anybody. Seems that 1 in 4 in Germany had their first shot. No clarity which agegroups are now being called and no prognonsis when I might be called. But yeah, covid-free passports for EU wide holidays being put into place. Solidarity is needed when it comes to vaccination order. But once vaccination has started we start making differences? What?
I was offered the shot while at a dr’s appointment today. So it appears it’s open to anyone now if you go through your Hausarzt, which also explains why mine is so jam packed with people the last 2 appointment I have been to. I declined the vaccine for now, I’m not out and about more than I have to be and I don’t think I’m high risk, besides I’m going through enough without adding vaccine side effects to the list 😅.
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I was offered the shot while at a dr’s appointment today. So it appears it’s open to anyone now if you go through your Hausarzt, which also explains why mine is so jam packed with people the last 2 appointment I have been to. I declined the vaccine for now, I’m not out and about more than I have to be and I don’t think I’m high risk, besides I’m going through enough without adding vaccine side effects to the list 😅.
Not here I am afraid. :(

The vaccines only last so long once the vial is opened. I forget how long precisely, but a matter of hours. After a certain time they become inert and are no longer viable as protection against the virus. Consequently, once a vial has been opened, and if you happen to be at the doctor's at the right time, they may offer the remainder of the vial of vaccine to whomever is available.

At least that's how it's happened here.
At least that's how it's happened here.
I had a checkup 2 weeks ago and my doc said they had to stick to the order of the state, and could not randomly give people shots.

I have been on a phonelist for those leftover vaccins. If there is leftover in the principle vaccination centres they call people to come and get the shot. But there they also go by age. And now they are starting this whole "people who had it, or who have been vaccinated do not need to adhere to the rules" discussion. Solidarity really starts to drop now in my corner. Would love to go for a steak, shop, hey, even spend the night away for a few days again.
The same confusion is happening here in the US. The new administration is calling for vaccine passports to travel between states. That's like demanding papers to get from Berlin to Frankfurt, or Paris to Toulouse!
Most rural areas tend to ignore lockdown and mask orders now, which gets more confusing when I have to drive from home into the closest city for work. Do the right/wrong thing in the right/wrong place and get spotted by the right/wrong person and it could put you on the right/wrong side of politics and cause a scene.

It’s especially confusing if your living room is in one state and your kitchen is in another. I live next to the Mason Dixon line, and plenty of homes literally straddle the Maryland/Delaware border.
It’s especially confusing if your living room is in one state and your kitchen is in another. I live next to the Mason Dixon line, and plenty of homes literally straddle the Maryland/Delaware border.
What about those homes in the US where the homes on the other side of the street are in Canada. Can you cross over and visit your neighbor to borrow something or does that count as an unchecked boarder crossing?
What about those homes in the US where the homes on the other side of the street are in Canada. Can you cross over and visit your neighbor to borrow something or does that count as an unchecked boarder crossing?

I don’t know. There’s no “border security” between Maryland and Delaware. I still do all my grocery shopping at the nearest store, which is in Delaware. Even early in the pandemic when there were travel restrictions, they weren’t about to bar essential workers from driving across the line to go to work. I’d imagine that if the Canadian border is the same way, the local law enforcement would use common sense in enforcing the restrictions. If there’s one thing I’ve learned in law school, it’s that legislators do nothing, and police and prosecutors decide the law.
I got six emails today that I'm going to be on the list for spares.
I got another three telling me that I'm in the pool of people that should get an invitation next week.
On the same day I sequenced 46 covid samples to look for variants.

Should take another month before I experience blue screens and receive windows updates. But I'm expecting my first system crash right after the jab, because that's how my body rolls.
Boah, the Netherlands is in lockdown for 4 weeks as of tomorrow. And what do you see. Streets filling up with people. No wonder we continuously loose this game.

Mislabelled samples? Mislabelled Ome Kron?
Worse.. Lost the entire batch during a final purification step. One of the crappiest situations in my field: handling hundreds of labelled unique samples in the final step as one 'combined pool'... And making them disappear into the trash.

Luckily I'm a bit of a smart ass and managed to retrieve most of it. Of high quality too.
But if I wouldn't have.. The decision to lock down would probably have been postponed to thursday.
That wasn't me, nor our hospital, nor do I even test people.
We process what comes out of the RT-PCR at hospitals, from hospital personnel. If it's labelled positively positive.

GGD and Test centres are still in their "setting up shop and training people" phase, and they will be for another year. If we relied on that, we would be wasting tax payers money by processing material we're not sure about.
My best friend called me in the morning of December 24th: she had caught the damn covid though she had had 2 Pzifer injections ! 10 days of lockout. I drank all the champagne...

No news from my other best friend. Last time I saw her she said she didn't have a jab : ????

I booked a restaurant for my mother, my nieces and their husband and children, and one of my sons, 14 at "Madagascar".

And that was wonderful. :cool:

My Mum's too old now, so I drove her back home, but the rest of the party had a walk along the Loiret.

I bought "foie gras" (local French foie gras) for her to share on January 1st, not only is it delicious, but it's like medicine. ;)
It's all right. when people have at least two injections, they won't go to the emergncy room.
Just phoned my friend, she's all right, tired, but all right.
I want to meet her soon, we'll both recover from that damn virus ! ;)
I got the third injection, the "booster", though no one really knows how long it will protect us.
Never mind, I trust the doctors.
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