I have no idea if these fruit. It didn't last year... and I always just assumed that these don't fruit. But I really have no idea. -- I'll be sure to share if it does though.
Does anyone know what the optimal time to take cuttings from these is?
I have tried semi hardwood cuttings in March/April, and softwood cuttings in May/June to no avail. Peter Warren told me both times he was here to be sure to get cuttings growing for grafting later, so I've tried for the last 3 years, and I've had no luck yet...attempted around 40 cuttings so far.
Yours is looking great, good crop of flowers and good story too.
Thanks Brian. I've heard they are incredibly hard to take. I've even heard they don't air layer... period. But Brent sells cuttings, Owen has taken cuttings successfully. So I guess the rest of us just have to figure it out now...lol. -- Maybe Owen will drop in with some pointers.
Peter Tea says in his article "Air layering a Flowering Plum is almost impossible. These trees will not air layer very easily. It’s easier to approach graft roots instead." This is the link with a lot of good information - http://peterteabonsai.wordpress.com/tag/ume/ I have heard the same of Apricot but I do not remember where.
While trimming my ume, I stuck 2 tiny twigs in the same pot as my tree...w/o thinking about it really and to date they are still green and seems alive. I am more interested to see now if they make it LOL. The "mother" ume by the way is already starting to leaf (1/2" leaves already as of last night) so I should know soon enough if the tiny cuttings will sprout or not. I will keep you posted.