Congrats to Two Americans!


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Nipomo, CA
Wanted to say Congrats to two of Boon's students- Peter Tea from California and Tyler Sherrod from N. Carolina for heading to Japan this month to begin their Bonsai Apprenticeships. Tyler will be studying at the Taikan Bonsai Museum under Shinji Suzuki, while Peter will be studying at the Aichi-en Bonsai Nursery under Joon.
Peter took some great pictures of both locations which are posted on Sam & KJ's Blog.

I'm beyond excited for these two amazing guys and for what they represent for the future of Bonsai in the U.S.!
Go Peter and Tyler!

Boon has been one of the most successful teachers if you count the number of people who have studied with him and then went to apprentice in Japan. This speaks very highly of Boon and his students.

Boon has been one of the most successful teachers if you count the number of people who have studied with him and then went to apprentice in Japan. This speaks very highly of Boon and his students.


I was thinking the exact same thing.

I don't want to work.

Just want to play with the trees all day.:D

Good for them, Suzuki is a good name to work under as well.
Tyler is the President of our local club, and although ive only been in bonsai for about a year, have learned alot from him. I look forward to seeing what he learns, and wish him well in his apprenticeship.
Tyler is the President of our local club, and although ive only been in bonsai for about a year, have learned alot from him. I look forward to seeing what he learns, and wish him well in his apprenticeship.

Oh cool, so I'm assuming you know Tim as well then.
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