Could someone explain to me the importance of collecting the specimens with native soil. If the soil falls away while digging, should I fill the pot with the native soil or go with bonsai soil? I read the post about the fungi in the soil and the trees need for it. Just want to make sure of the best way to do this next spring. Also, if you end up with a bare root tree would you dip it in a root hormone before replanting? How about using Vit B as a helper when first collecting? I appreciate all the help here. I am trying to do this correctly. Peter
You are going to get opposing methods/variations with this question. As with most practices, various approaches have been and are still used. The approach used takes into consideration the best way to collect the roots safely, the best way to transition the root ball for Bonsai purposes.
Simply put, beneficial fungi, supplements, native soils can all be claimed to be needed. Also, it is almost impossible to remove all traces of beneficial fungi, native soil. Proving they are required is another matter.
My approach that works for me is to collect as many roots as possible and keep as much local soil around the roots for safe transport back home. Then in all cases i very slowly with chopstick and gentle water spray, bareroot the tree. Place in appropriate sized grow box or container using straight pumice as substrate. Depending on the species and time of year, i may tent for humidity. My reasoning is based on the following practices and understanding.
1.Collected trees are rarely in top health and their best chance of survival is to give them the best growing conditions for the roots as soon as possible. Free draining soil with excellent air porosity, moisture and sun.
2. I only collect when the tree is dormant to minimize damage to the tree and root system. Maintaining the native soil in the roots for transport protects the roots better.
3. I only collect trees that are collectable! Ie: Root base is compacted by natural restrictions and or soil is amenable to extraction.
4. The key factor in collecting i believe is collecting and preserving the roots, followed by maintaining foliage for recovery. ( conifers )
If i were collecting other species i would adapt my practises to suit the soil, climate and trees collected.
5. Personally i have seen no evidence in scientific literature or difference in actual practise with supplements. I have discontinued purchasing or using them.despite the mountains of anecdotal accolades and devout followers.
I have attached a couple of pictures to illustrate the results of this approach!