Collecting during growing season

Indole butyric acid as a potassium salt (IBA-K) and buy it online at a random plant laboratory supplier. I think there are a couple selling to non-business customers.
0.5 mg/L is a high concentration, so you don't need to buy much.
NAA as a salt with acetic acid (NAA-Ac) would work as well.
Awesome thanks! (Grabs lab coat and goggles and sets to work on my mad scientist laugh. Muah haha haha!) Would you only apply before collection or after collection as well?
Awesome thanks! (Grabs lab coat and goggles and sets to work on my mad scientist laugh. Muah haha haha!) Would you only apply before collection or after collection as well?
I would apply it maybe once or twice after collection too, with a week in between.
You'd want to jump start them, not melt the entire engine down. ;-)
Not with blackthorns. But it's an approach I take when I work with root sensitive plants before repotting and collected trees.
Haven't lost a single one in the past two years.
Root burritos have improved my limited collection successes. Digging a trench round the tree then wrapping the rootball up tightly before attacking the tap root.

I read somewhere (Bonsai4me?) that oaks were best collected in Summer so might be going out soon.
If the alternative is NOT collecting them and they get tipped, then you have nothing to lose.
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