OK, here's the latest on getting these babys to live after collecting...
Here is one of the Cal Junipers and how I potted it. The tree had a lot of mountain soil on the roots, so instead of trying to get it all off at once, I soaked the tree over night. The next day the soil was mud and came off easily.
Next, I cut off the stump so it will fit easily in a bonsai pot (assuming it lives) and I sealed it. I've found I have fewer problems with plants when I seal all large cuts, even at the root level.
The tree goes into a "Root Maker" pot, I add some mycorrhizal (some juniper needles with white stuff in it, I think it's mycorrhizal), then goes akadama (not shown), then finally either pumice (washed) or black volcanic scoria. The trees seem to like the Akadama and I understand that it hold nutrients for the plant.
Next, I water the plant with water that has had the chlorine & chloramine neutralized and the pH adjusted to 5.8 - 6.0. When rooting cuttings, the experts tell me the pH of the medium must be 5.6 - 5.8 and the root zone needs to be kept at around 68 - 70 degrees for optimal results. Since I'm treating these plants like cuttings, I'm following their advice.
When I first started collecting, I didn't know whether to cut the foliage back or not. But now, I total remove all tips and any excess foliage and here's why. First, I remove excess foliage so the tree can efficiently use stored nutrients in the trunk until it starts to grow. Secondly, by removing the needle tips to deplete the tree of Auxins, which inhibit the growth of lateral buds. The tree will release another hormone, cytokinin which induces shoot formation.
Since the trees are in my greenhouse, I will only mist the trees mornings & evenings and I won't water them until they start to push new growth (over watering is the kiss of death). When misting the trees, get the foliage & the trunk wet too.
Please let me know your experiences with California Junipers because I'm still learning. And thank you to Harry Hirao and his crew for a very inspiring day!!!!!!!
Your Bonsai Buddy, with lots of Hugs and Kisses