Spuds Moyogi
If you collected it Saturday, a little more disturbance isn't going to matter all that much three days later.hello, I live in north Texas, Dallas area.
I collected this elm today from a wooded area that was getting bulldozed tomorrow.
It had already leafed out and I was not able to get many roots with it. It looks like a winged elm and elms near it all had those wings, but I am very new to this so I won't be betting anyone money on it.
My question is should I leave the leaves on, defoliate or trunk job low.
So far I have potted it, watered it and put into a shaded area.
Any advice appreciated thanks!
I'd chop (and seal the cut) the top straight portion of the trunk (leaving the dog leg crooked part) and defoliate. It does not need those leaves to develop new roots. Those leaves have no root system to support them. They are "asking" for water that can't be supplied. Remove them.
I'd then return it to bonsai soil and keep it moist. I'd also let it get some sun. Warmth at the roots will make them develop a bit faster. I wouldn't leave it out in full sun all day though. Three or four hours of morning sun will be fine.
Cedar elm are extremely tough. I've collected cedar elm bigger than this one in East Texas waaay out of season (like mid-summer) while in leaf. I chopped off all roots within eight inches of the trunk, washed off all the field soil, then shipped them across to my house in Virginia several times, with roots packed in wet sphagnum moss. They pushed buds in a couple of weeks. One waited until the following spring to push. I only discovered it as I was preparing to throw it on the woodpile as dead.