Collected autumn olive

Seems like you’ve caught the collection a bug hard. If you run out of stuff to dig there, I have some candidates here most likely.
A lot of my trees are now things I've collected and not all of them have been posted on here. I just hope all that work that goes into digging them ends up worth it in the end.
After spending most of last season developing the trunk line some animal got to it one night and broke off all but one low branch. Thankfully these guys grow fast. So plans have been forced to change and now there's a new trunk line and I just repotted it at a new angle.
Well it’s certainly been some time since posting here. Life has gotten in the way and up until today I haven’t done much of anything with trees the past year and haven’t obtained anything new. I’ve wired this and unwired a ponderosa pine yamadori. No repotting is happening this year. It seems this one is never going to get anywhere. I’m not even sure if it’s worth all the hassle. Something always happens to set me back and here I am once again starting a new trunk line after high winds blew it over.
I really like the pot, and the deadwood. Got a bit of growing to do yet. The pot, deadwood and tree have really reduced in size since original collecting. Nice.
Thanks! The pot is from Sam Miller. It definitely has a lot more growing to do. Thankfully these guys grow quite quickly. Starting over allowed me to add more movement to the trunk line so in the end it may be better.
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