Coast Live oak history


Spuds Moyogi
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Fairfax Va.
Profile on huge coast live oak at the National Bonsai and Penjing Museum....

I've got a coast live oak that @Si Nguyen gave me for my 50th birthday that I believe he got out of landscape somewhere. It is loving NC weather! It is sitting outside with my cork oaks and olives, and none of them missed a beat this winter even with a little light snow.
I've got a coast live oak that @Si Nguyen gave me for my 50th birthday that I believe he got out of landscape somewhere. It is loving NC weather! It is sitting outside with my cork oaks and olives, and none of them missed a beat this winter even with a little light snow.
Hey Mr. Nut, I forgot you moved to Carolina!

Hope life is going well.

I have similar climate to Raleigh here in D.C. Like the West Coast, the East Coast has shifting weather patterns that are making it increasingly difficult with overwintering here. In the last six to seven years, I've had to watch my Texas and La. collected trees closely in the winter/spring transition. Between Feb. and April we've had more . warm ups (even hot temps) in Feb. followed by deep freezes in March/April. I've lost and almost lost bald cypress in the last couple of years because of extreme cold snaps in March/April. We're also getting deeper cold sooner in Nov. too.

If you get up to the D.C.area, shoot me a message. I'll take you over to the National Bonsai and Penjing Museum and show you around!
If you get up to the D.C.area, shoot me a message. I'll take you over to the National Bonsai and Penjing Museum and show you around!

Absolutely! I've got a sister up there and definitely will look you up!

I left many of my tropicals back on the West Coast, and some trees that I either didn't want to move, were too large, etc. Speaking of collected TX trees, I have a Texas ebony that I just couldn't leave behind. Interestingly, in SoCal it was deciduous, but to be on the safe side here I overwintered it in my basement in a sunny window for three months between mid-December and mid-March, and it didn't seem to have a problem with it. It's back on the bench basking in the 96 degrees we are supposed to get today(!)
Profile on huge coast live oak at the National Bonsai and Penjing Museum....
Great article, thanks for sharing. I’m certainly biased because I haven’t seen the D.C. oak in person, but Al Nelson’s Huntington oak is one of my all-time favorite trees. The link in your original article shows what is now back of the tree.


And below are more recent photos. I think I take a picture every time I see this tree.
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