Clumpy Gets A Repot

Stunning John! Can't wait to see the after photos. Very happy looking trees. Love clumps.

I need to wire my much smaller bald cypress. A friend just went on a tour of bald cypress...a lot of flat tops...going to study those photos for a few days...before I attempt wire.
I guess it really depends on the viewing angle as to whether they cross or not, I will post a picture when I get it wired out and trimmed and we can reassess.
Stunning John! Can't wait to see the after photos. Very happy looking trees. Love clumps.

I need to wire my much smaller bald cypress. A friend just went on a tour of bald cypress...a lot of flat tops...going to study those photos for a few days...before I attempt wire.

I was just thinking about your small one the other day and was wondering how you were doing with it. I will be a challenge to keep it small, I know you can do it, though, you are very thorough when doing things.;)
I was just thinking about your small one the other day and was wondering how you were doing with it. I will be a challenge to keep it small, I know you can do it, though, you are very thorough when doing things.;)
It was sold as a Shohin...but really slipped into the Kifu size as Adair pointed out last year. So a tad taller than you may think. It's thriving...but I need to wire some of those branches it's pushing...down and with some movement.

It's thriving...but I need to wire some of those branches it's pushing...down and with some movement.

They are vigorous indeed :) Consider branch selection and ramification before it gets away from you. Being smaller it will be an ongoing procedure but could be stellar ;)


I finally finished wiring and thinning, the work took place over several days and multiple weeks. Been busy so I just worked on it when I can.



Some of the wiring detail, as soon ass the branches set, I will be unwiring and cutting them back. Hopefully, I will get another rush of growth to wire before summer ends.




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Time for the wire to come off, and a little trim



It had 5 thousand feet of wire on it


The Carnage


While trimming this one, I found that it has some galls on it. BC get these in the summer from time to time, the do not harm the tree, just unsightly. I just cut them off.

John, how long do you find it takes for the branches to set after wiring and can remove the wire? With the explosive growth do you have many problems with wire marks and if they form do they heal quickly?
John, how long do you find it takes for the branches to set after wiring and can remove the wire? With the explosive growth do you have many problems with wire marks and if they form do they heal quickly?

I have found that even if it bites in, it too, heals quickly, these trees are beasts! Only if the wire really bites in does it really leave a mark.

Had awesome spring growth, it is a little busy now, as soon as the new growth gets a little more woody, I will wire it out.





Plenty of new growth to wire


I have seen it mentioned on the forum that you have to wait until the new growth on BC lignifies before you wire it and cut or it will not branch. I have found this to be false and a myth, here is a branch that was completely green when I wired it and cut about a quarter of the length off. Three weeks later it was branching, and still quite green. Be careful what you read, it might not be true.

This is a awesome clump! Any updates on this? I’m impressed that you and your dad are getting them to grow knees.
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